Thursday, October 13, 2011

How hard it is to say “YES”.........

There must have been thousands of times when all you wanted to say was “YES”... but when that came out of your mouth, it sounded something like  a “NO”... or vice—versa.  Some say its mind over matter but what about the poor heart???
At times when you are bored to death, listening to stupid jibber jabber of people and the only thing that you want to do is grab a pillow and fall fast asleep.... a simple question is thrown at u... Are you bored??? Are you sleepy??? Hell Yeah!!! ..... is what all my sensory nerves transmit to my brain, but alas! The stupid brain won’t listen, and all I quip is – “Not at all”. Well if you are denying that this has never happened to you then I can bet you must have been a loner all your life.
Sometimes I don’t understand why my mind rules over me like that. Is it because I don’t want to hurt people or I want people to think I am nice, is still not clear. This is because it’s kind of a habit I guess. It has been incorporated so long in my system that it’s kind of a part of my reflex I guess.... J

Do you want more???   (YES).... Uummm NO
Have I made it spicy??? (YES)......... No Aunty
Are you free? Can I come over??? (NO Please NO)....... Yeah sure.

But there are people with whom I can be honest to my core. With them a brick is a brick. I don’t need to address a brick as a marble in front of them. They make my life easy and believable. All this game of mind over matter isn’t needed. And that is why I can communicate with them with my heart and not my mind. So thanks to all those people who have let me be me for once and a while. Just wanted to let you all know that if I ever say NO..... then just know that at least I was honest with you.....

P.S.  Did you like this post??? Lolz... you gotta say YES.... :D
Jon said...

I enjoyed your post.

Recently I read a little mini e-book called Lying (by Sam Harris). He talks about benefits of telling the truth (as often as possible), and why lies (even little, well-intentioned ones) may not really be the best policy.

Unknown said...

@Jon Horvitz.......
Thankz..... I would definitely try to go through your sugession.

Vinay_Knight said...

Thats what being human is all about!!!Caring for others,caring about how others would feel n stuff.

Unknown said...

@Vinay...... yeah u said it ryt... But at times I feel I am lying to myself only.... But eventually if it makes someone happy then it is worth it.... :)

Dennis Hodgson said...

Being blunt with people can be hurtful, but as a general rule I'd say that it is more important to be honest with yourself. Don't say what you don't feel (note that I didn't say "Don't say what you don't mean").

I actually clicked on this post because of the label "mind over matter". I wrote a post recently called mind over matter", which is all about thinking.

Unknown said...

@Dennis....... thanks for visiting.

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