Saturday, March 21, 2020

My two cents !!! [Covid-19]

Till a couple of days back, I assumed that - The sole purpose of education was to empower people to lead a good life and to make our society a better place to stay.

But in the wake of recent events, I am so sorry to say that, my faith has been shattered into pieces because of some educated but utterly irresponsible people.

So today I plan to address the elephant in the room - The pandemic that has brought the entire world to a standstill. Everyone is talking about it, so I don't want to shy away from giving my 2 cents because if I can make even one person understand the gravity of the situation with my post, then it's worth all the effort.

Flights are being cancelled. 
Visas are getting deemed as null and void.
Medical researchers all over the world are burning their midnight oil, running genetic trials to find the cure.

So much is being done, but still...
People are losing their precious lives.
The numbers are increasing day after day.

Have you pondered why?

That's because - Anyone can make a mistake, but a fool keeps making the same one.

When the government has imposed that all foreign travellers should be on self quarantine, how can such people attend parties? I haven't travelled abroad, nor most of the folks out here. Yet we are religiously practising - Social Distancing, working from home for the last couple of days. Am I uneducated or way too paranoid to do such a thing? (I have a master's degree for God's sake)

You may not be symptomatic, but haven't you read about the time taken by the symptoms to show up? Aren't you aware enough to know how contagious this disease is? Your momentary lapse of thinking can cost so many innocent lives. Lives which you may not deem as special as yours, but sorry to say, they are to others.

People like Kanika Kapoor are probably very poor in maths or maybe they don't understand the concept of exponential spreading. Seriously, given an opportunity I would love to slap her, but I won't. Because I am educated and I need to maintain Social Distancing. No touching, remember !!! 

As it was a lazy Saturday, I decided to log into Facebook and see what's happening. Trust me, the more I scrolled, the more my stomach churned and recoiled. I have so many things on my To Do list, like update my blog, read a book, try making fritters, but I see people writing posts about getting bored at home. I mean, are you seriously kidding me? Nature has given you a window of opportunity to stop the pandemic from spreading. So treat that as a blessing and thank your stars. Start enjoying the littile things in life and stop speading such negativity online. If you so badly want to write something, then better write a poem about a rock and not those idiotic cynical posts. It makes me want to throw a rock at you.

You may call me a coward or an overthinker but I beg to differ, because if I write a post and tell you that I have covid-19 cure, I am pretty sure that you will beeline infront of my house to keep yourself safe. But when there is even a simpler painless solution - social distancing, I am unable to understand why it's so difficult for you to imbibe?

Don't whine about not having house help. Clean your own goddamn house. Anyways gyms are closed. It will help you to be in a good shape. Explore recepies and pamper yourself with your own cooking. Don't be a cry baby !!!

You may not know, but right now it's a battle and yes it's a matter of not only national security, but also of the entire world. And no, the Avengers aren't coming to help you out here. 

I am not asking you to suit up and guard the borders. You just have to stay at home and keep yourself and your countrymen safe. Tell me, how hard is that? You don't have to take a bullet for others like our army men do. Our doctors and medical practitioners are already fighting selflessly in the forefront on the line of fire. So atleast for their sake, cast away your stupidity and ignorance and follow the simple things that doctors are urging you to do.

You may be at the prime of your health. You may escape from the grip of Covid-19, but remember someone else might not. And G
od forbid if something happens to them, then the blood is on you. You read it right, unknowingly you might become the reason for someone to depart early. Will you be able to live with that guilt?

So I think it's really the need of the hour that we learn from the mistakes that has already happened around the world. Even after knowing everything, seeing everything if we are going to make the same mistake, then that's not a mistake. It's a choice. So keep your eyes and ears open and follow the protocols. 'Junta Curfew' isn't a political gimmick. It's not a show business. It's a form of preparedness. Don't mar the rationale behind it with your idiocracy. 

So stay in your cocoon.
Don't spread your wings.
Let the butterfly inside you chill for a while.

I know that many of you are interested and invested in this cause, but just being interested isn't going to help. Because if you are just interested then you will do whatever is convenient to you. But if you are committed then you will do WHATEVER IT TAKES.

So ask yourself. Are you committed enough?

P.S. If you think it's a rant against Kanika Kapoor only, then you are wrong. It's against all social retards like her who don't understand what Social Distancing means.

Vijaya said...

I agree with you completely. Awareness and social distancing is the key.
It is not the job of person, but for everyone. Then only we will be able to stop this horror.

DulcetGirl said...

Well said Vijaya !!!

B. Kamna Will said...

This is not your rant. This exactly is the need of the hour - social distancing. The so called party culture has put Italy and Spain in the situation in which they are today. For them, the government can and would be able to control things and get it all together in due course of time. But when it comes to India, look at our population. If things start to go south, which I think is happening already, it would be a thousand times more difficult to contain the virus and bring the life to normalcy.

DulcetGirl said...

I agree Kamna. With the population like ours, the numbers will not be limited to thousands like in Italy and Spain. But what to do when the educated lot is feeling like a freebird.

Anonymous said...

Hoping that these educated covidiots learn social distancing and save their own loved ones from this pandemic!

DulcetGirl said...

Well, that's the sole hope we have these days.

Anu said...

Hi author! Sorry for using this pf but may I know when will you update your story! I just saw your blog link in the synopsis, can I know when will you update?

DulcetGirl said...

Hi Anu, I will be back after 7th April. Please bear with the sabbatical.

Aify said...

Hi Author,

Thank you for your amazing writing skills poured into “Can you mend my broken heart”. I’m dying to read more chapters. Please when will it be updated? It’s already June.

DulcetGirl said...

Sorry I saw your post late.

Unknown said...

Hi Author!

This might not be the right medium to comment about " Can you mend my broken heart ", but i desperately need your attention. Your book is great, but there is something about this book that is making my heart sink, please i need answers

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